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| OE | FILMS Groove City Films


ORGENA ENTERPRISES | GROOVE CITY FILMS has acquired an original screenplay by esteemed New Orleans Writer Rhodesia Jackson, author of the famed Pecan Candy and Huck-a-bucks trilogy. 


The Tradition is a crime drama about the waning power of the New Orleans Creole Mafia following the aftermath of the 2005 Hurricane Katrina Disaster. 


A character-driven story, The Tradition centers on Jude Newman, a troubled master carpenter who finds himself at the crossroads over the cold-blooded, unsolved murder of his only brother.


This dilemma lands him face-to-face with the highly secretive society of the New Orleans Creole Mafia which shares common interest in eliminating a dangerous outsider named Detroit.


Torn between joining forces with the Mob or going alone, the matter is further complicated when Jude falls for Creole Patriarch Oscar Delahousey's beautiful niece, Ingrid.


This is an epic, major independent motion picture film project for The City of New Orleans.



ORGENA ENTERPRISES LTD. is a multimedia company founded in 1992 which includes OE, OE Books and OE Films.

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